Introducing AutoCatalyst |
After years of procedural analysis and business development with a Ward's top-five ranked e-Dealer group, Fabien-Vegas Corporation's release of AutoCatalyst Contact Management Server represents the general availability of leading-edge customer relationship and contact management technology.
As a dedicated, stand-alone solution, AutoCatalyst CRM provides the power, scalability and security demanded by today's leading dealer groups, efficiently managing and maximizing disparate, high volume Internet referrals, as well as integrating existing customer and traditional prospect information.
Value |
Centralization: Consolidates Internet and traditional prospect contact management, customer relationship management and global marketing.
Power: Quickly generate high volume, ad-hoc electronic and direct-mail, design targeted e-mail for automatic daily deployment, configure and automate prospect/customer reassignments and more.
Security: Stored only on corporate hardware, your department's contact and operations data remain completely private and protected from unauthorized access through your organization's Intranet.
Game Resistant: No system is game-proof, but AutoCatalyst has been around long enough to have evolved into a platform that is orders-of-magnitude harder to game than the average CRM application.
Speed: AutoCatalyst runs on a dedicated server at your location, and as such there are no bandwidth limitations or performance losses due to heavy Internet traffic. Intranet performance is virtually instantaneous and Extranet access times are superior versus externally hosted applications.
Reliability: Complete autonomy from hosting services and ISP's that compromise efficiency with intermittent performance, server crashes, and resource sharing with other applications and/or concurrent users.
Efficiency: Productivity gains afford a ratio of departmental HR as low as .72 per franchise.
Scalability: From one franchise to two-hundred, AutoCatalyst accommodates your immediate needs and future growth.
Affordability: Minimal entry-level hardware, operating system and back office software overhead.
Benefits |
Increase New Sales: Automatically acknowledge and assign Internet information requests immediately upon receipt; tie-in proprietary web site features and current events/incentives; track sales, call backs, appointments and communications; monitor service representative progress/performance and more.
Build Customer Retention and Loyalty: Initiate new vehicle communications with customers prior to lease and loan expiration via automatic contact recycling and coordinated electronic/direct mail.
Drive Service Department Patronage: Automatically generate electronic and direct-mail service notifications triggered by customer vehicle milestones.
Expand Internet Referral Coverage: Capture greater market share of territorially-finite Internet lead referrals through increased productivity and ROI.
Create New Opportunities: Immediately communicate new merchandise, vehicle, incentive and event programs to thousands of potential impulse buyers and referrers through electronic and direct-mail marketing.
Application |
- Multithreaded client/server architecture
- Runs on your company's LAN/Intranet
- Remote access capability via any Internet connection
- Streamlined and intuitive user interface, understood and in use within minutes
Features |
Management of Internet referral service requests with automatic retrieval, response, distributed assignment and data merge - Supporting all of today's most popular lead referral services in either XML or plain text format
Retrieval, merge and routing of incoming e-mail automatically
Generation and data merge of multipart HTML/Text direct e-mail from an unlimited library of user-defined e-mail templates - each featuring variable query parameters dynamically filtering output
Generation and data merge of direct-mail from an unlimited library of user-defined document templates - each featuring variable query parameters dynamically filtering output. Multiple document header and footer capability supports multiple franchise application
Recycling of contact data through manual or automatic reassignment to service representatives based on multiple data filters
Tracking of requests, email correspondence, recycle data, sales, customer service activity, referral performance and more
Automatic lead assignment and account activity updating of customer service representative's daily planner
National Do Not Call Registry integration
IDScan license capture integration
- Inventory integration
Upgrades and Support |
- AutoCatalyst product upgrades are included at no additional charge for all registered clients
- Technical support is included at no charge, subject to limitations
Options |
- Integration with corporate Internet properties and captive referral programs
- Legacy data conversion